February 24, 2024

Javascript automatically update copyright year


When I made some changes to my Gallery page today, I realised the copyright year does not display correctly, it is still displayed for the year 2023 instead of the year 2024.

The blog template engine is Hexo. When I navigate to the source code of this section, I understand why it was not displayed correctly.

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截屏2024-02-24 下午3.30.04

The copyright year was displayed based on the year of the post-written year so of course it will not update automatically.


Instead of displaying the copyright year based on the post-written year, I want it could be updated automatically which is always keeping up to date.

It is an easy fix by adding a simple script within the copyright information and letting it retrieve the current year instead of the post-written year.

<script>document.write(new Date().getFullYear())</script>

截屏2024-02-24 下午3.26.37


About this Post

This post is written by Andy, licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0.
